How to Make the Most of Managing Staff Through the Winter Lull

temporary hotel staffing hospitality taskforce agency Managing Staff Through the Winter Lull

Now that summer has come to pass, many hoteliers can catch a bit of a break as we head into the slower winter season. The months of November through March are generally considered to be the off-peak season (while bookings are at their highest levels from June through August). If your property is experiencing lower occupancy rates during this time of year, you may be wondering how to make the most of managing staff. The off season is the perfect time to focus on increasing efficiency, building strong teams, and finding temporary hotel staffing. Here, we share inspiration for helping strengthen your team during the winter months to prepare for the busier season: 

Find What’s Working (And What’s Not)

After the summer rush, encourage each department to evaluate what’s working and what isn’t. Pinpointing areas that need improvement will serve your property well in the months to come. Taking the time to listen to guest feedback and employee insights will prepare your team to make important changes in the future. If you’re short on staff and need expertise from seasoned veterans in the industry, we can help connect you with highly qualified personnel to improve operations. 

Focus on Team Building

Team building is important within our industry, and can be a great strategy for making your property the best it can be. Even during the slower winter season, it can be challenging to find time for non-essential tasks. However, research shows that teams with good rapport are more effective and happier at work–which are both critical components for productivity and lower turnover. If possible, take some time to nurture your teams’ relationships with simple exercises designed for collaboration and trust-building. Activities like a team puzzle, hotel scavenger hunt, or even a potluck are investments that will pay off.

Fill Temporary Positions

Don’t let the winter season get away without getting started on the hiring process for temporary contractors. If employees have maternity leave or medical absences on the horizon, now is the time to begin looking for coverage. Whether you need someone to cover one month or several, we can assist you in sourcing excellent candidates who can be ready to step into the role as soon as you need them. To find the best candidates for your vacancy, at least one month’s notice is ideal.

The winter brings slower days for the hospitality industry, but there’s a lot that managers can do to make the most of the time. Taking some time to streamline operations and get a jump start on filling temporary hotel staffing positions are priorities you won’t regret. Since 2003, Hospitality Taskforce has been the industry leader in connecting highly qualified contractors with property managers. If you have temporary positions you’d like to fill, we’re here to help. Please contact us to learn more about the process.